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  馬克白 macbeth



人、 偶、面具的魔幻交織。莎士比亞四大悲劇《馬克白》,單刀直入刻畫人性欲望的經典。在混亂、血腥、現實與夢境交纏不清的迷離世界,真人、戲偶與面具魔幻建構 馬克白的無間地獄。編導才子王靖惇與資深演員邱安忱的創意對決,墨西哥紙魔力劇團團長Edwin Salas Acosta親手為戲偶造魂,型男演員梁允睿、高華麗、洪健藏化身女巫。以當代觀點重新詮釋莎翁經典,于道德背叛的驚惶中,尋找《馬克白》人性裡的柔軟。



A tug-of-war between the playwright WANG, Ching-Dun and the talented actor CHIU, An-Chen. With puppets made by master Edwin Salas Acosta and The Three Witches played by handsome actors LIANG, Yun-Rei, GAO, Hua-Li, and HUNG, Chien-Chan, Shakespeare’s classic Macbeth is brought to life again, unfolding the subtlety of humanity. Real men, puppets and masks put up a world interweaved by chaos, bloodshed, reality, and dream - the hell of Macbeth.


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