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歐洲聯結 Europe Connexion

2016 年臺北藝術節壓軸作品!!






《歐洲聯結》由入選2014年亞維儂官方藝術節的導演馬修・華(Matthieu Roy)執導,歐洲新銳編劇雅莉珊德拉・巴代阿(Alexandra Badea)與同黨劇團三者攜手合作,將讓觀眾帶上耳機,以一個法國男子,一個臺灣男子共同飾演「他」,透過聲音與私密臺詞,共同參與「他」爬上頂端的過程,聽見人性的貪婪、權力結構的環環相扣,以及現實世界的冷酷運作。

臺灣|同黨劇團 X 法國|守夜人劇團



守夜人劇團(Cie du Veilleur, France)創始於2008年,2014-2015年期間,七齣劇目在法國巡迴演出。2008-2010年間,守夜人劇團跟漢斯劇院(Comédie de Reims)以及Maria Casa喜劇團合作,創作了四個劇本,其中《夫妻的愛》(L'amour conjugal)依據Al. Moravia小說編作,並在法國以及歐洲演出超過120次。



馬修.華(Matthieu Roy),生於1981年,畢業於史特拉斯堡國立劇院(TNS)附設戲劇藝術高等學院,主修導演/劇本創作,曾參與許多法國及歐洲的劇場團隊,經常參與劇場創作的教育傳遞,並在普瓦捷的戲劇音樂學院和大學帶領工作坊,其創作領域擴及劇場及歌劇,是法國著名的新銳劇場導演,現任職守夜人劇團的導演與藝術總監。



舞臺設計|台灣:高豪杰、法國:Gaspard Pinta 
導演助理|Victoria Duhamel
舞臺監督|台灣:曾智偉、法國:Alban Guillemot

製作單位|Taipei Arts Festival, The Party Theater Group, Cie du Veilleur and Les Tréteaux de France - Centre dramatique national

共製單位|Théâtre Ouvert – Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines, Théâtre du Nord - CDN Lille Tourcoing Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Scène nationale, Théâtre Jean Lurçat – Scène nationale d'Aubusson and Théâtre de Thouars – scène conventionnée

協力單位|de l'Institut Français, de la Région Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, du Bureau Français de Taïwan, du Centre Culturel de Taiwan à Paris and \ de l'Université de Poitiers




Europe Connexion

2016 Taipei Arts Festival

Taiwan / France International Co-production; World Premiere; Upcoming France Tour.


The Party Theater Group will cooperate with Matthieu Roy, the director of Cie du Veilleur in France, to stage Europe Connexion, the latest work of up-and-coming European playwright Alexandra Badea.

In ten scenes, Europe Connexion depicts a lowly but ambitious conference assistant who becomes a powerful lobbyist. On top of the world and flush with success, this character suddenly realizes that he is making callous decisions that result in people's deaths.

The Party Theater, Taiwan and Cie du Veilleur, France


The Party Theater Group employs real actors, puppets, masks and multimedia in its performances. Artists from all over the world are often invited to bring their ingenuity to the theater. Over the years, The Party Theater Group has won many awards, including Guling Street Avant-Garde Theater's 2008 best ticket selling award, Guling Street Avant-Garde Theater's 2009 best performance award, and a nomination by the Taishin Arts Awards as one of the top ten performing arts productions of 2008.

Cie du Veilleur was founded in 2008 in Poitier by director Matthieu Roy. With his artistic collaborators in acting, scenography, lighting, sound, video, costume design, and stage management, Matthieu stages contemporary writing and creates his own brand of immersive theater using digital art.



Director: Matthieu Roy

Compagnie du Veilleur was founded in 2008 by French theatre director Matthieu Roy. With his artistic collaborators in acting, scenography, lighting, sound, video, costume design, and stage management, Matthieu stages contemporary writing and creates his own brand of immersive theatre using digital art.

Producer: An-Chen CHIU

An-Chen Chiu graduated from The Actors Studio Drama School in New York City. Currently, he is the artistic director of The Party Theater Group in Taipei, Taiwan, and a lecturer in the Drama Department of Chinese Culture University. An-Chen Chiu's career in the theater spans nearly 20 years and includes work as an actor, director, and playwright.



Production team


Producer: An-Chen CHIU
Director: Matthieu Roy
Playwright: Alexandra Badea - L'Arche Editeur
Performers: Shih-Chun WANG, Wei-Lian WANG, Brice Carrois and Johanna Silberstein
Set Designer: Hao-Chieh KAO and Gaspard Pinta 

Sound Designer: Mathilde Billaud
Lighting Designer: Manuel Desfeux

Costumes Designer: Noémie Edel
Director Assistant: Victoria Duhamel

Dramaturg: Ling-Chih CHOW
Stage Manager: Chih-Wei TSENG and Alban Guillemot 

Master Eletrician: Divel
Technical Director: Chuan-Ren TSAI
Make-up Artist: Yi-Zong ZHANG

Administrative Team: Po-Hsu CHAUNG and Chia-Chien LIN

Graphic Designer: Shao-Wei WANG
Photographer & CF director: Chien-Che TANG

Main Image Photographer: Matthieu Silberstein

Production: Taipei Arts Festival, The Party Theater Group, Cie du Veilleur and Les Tréteaux de France - Centre dramatique national

Co-production: Théâtre Ouvert – Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines, Théâtre du Nord - CDN Lille Tourcoing Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Scène nationale, Théâtre Jean Lurçat – Scène nationale d'Aubusson and Théâtre de Thouars – scène conventionnée

Co-ordinated:de la Région Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, du Centre Culturel de Taiwan à Paris and de l'Université de Poitiers




2016/10/10 (一) 14:30 

2016/10/10 (一) 19:30 

2016/10/11 (二) 19:30 

2016/10/12 (三) 19:30 

2016/10/13 (四) 19:30 

2016/10/14 (五) 19:30 

2016/10/15 (六) 14:30 

2016/10/15 (六) 19:30 

2016/10/16 (日) 14:30 

2016/10/16 (日) 19:30 









1000 元



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