同黨劇團 The Party Theater Group
「飛天行動」一劇,試圖以一名瘋狂科學家的極端行徑,來突顯台灣人面對兩岸困境的心理狀態。「飛天行動」以美國典型誇大諜報動作電影類型為包裝,以漫畫及 真人交互演出為形式,透過 「悲」、「喜」混雜,九個場景、六個腳色,創造台灣前所未見的漫畫劇場作品,並藉由喜劇來探討嚴肅議題。本劇獲得提名台新藝術獎2008年十大表演藝術類 演出
The Sky Crisis uses the historical backdrop of the past 50 years of uncertainty and conflict arising from Taiwan’s relationship with China to turn the conventional “cold war” spy story into an unconventional comedic drama while still reflecting the attitudes that the issue instills in the minds of ordinary Taiwanese citizens. Through nine dark but sometimes humorous scenes featuring six characters played by two actors wearing masks and complemented by more than 200 graphic novel style projections, the production is the first Taiwanese political black comedy on the topic with all of the action, suspense, and sex of a Hollywood spy movie. By merging genres and media, The Sky Crisis presents the personal and national confusion, conflict, and occasional craziness that the Taiwanese people live with every day.Nominated as one of the 10 finalists for Taiwan’s 7th Taishin Arts Award for the Performing Arts.